May. 07, 2019
HARRISBURG – As part of the state House Republicans’ “Government Done Right” initiative, legislation authored by state Rep. Mike Jones (R-York Township) that would clear Pennsylvania’s School Code of many of its outdated and unnecessary regulations has passed the House unanimously and awaits consideration by the Senate Education Committee.
“This is the 70th anniversary of the original Public School Code, and some of the laws enacted as part of the original act are still on the books,” Jones said. “To say times have changed is an understatement, and ‘Government Done Right’ is an effort to clean up the regulations and ‘red tape’ that prohibit progress and reduce the size and cost of government.”
All told, there are 35 outdated regulations referenced in
House Bill 1210, including the following:
• Section 705 - permits a school district of the fourth class to purchase or build residences for the use of principals, teachers or janitors, if advisable.
• Section 1317.1 - prohibits the possession of beepers by students on school grounds.
• Section 1534 - requires teachers in second-, third-, and fourth-class school districts to report monthly on the number of days schools were open; the number, age and sex of all pupils; and the number of days attended by each pupil.
“Serving on the Dallastown school board and leading a large company here in York exposed me to redundancies in regulations that do nothing but impede growth,” added Jones. “House Bill 1210 is part of the answer to the problem that is Pennsylvania’s inability to get out of its own way and move forward, whether it is in business or government.”
Questions about this or any state government issue should be directed to Jones’ district office, which is located at 305 Leader Heights Road and can be reached by dialing 717-428-9889.
Representative Mike Jones
93rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott Little
717.260.6137 /