Southcentral House Republicans Move to Expand COVID-19 Testing

Apr. 29, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – House Democrats today blocked a measure which would have provided the Wolf administration with necessary COVID-19 testing tools it requested to help protect Pennsylvanians and reopen the state. Southcentral region state legislators, including House Appropriations Majority Chairman Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion) and Reps. Torren Ecker (R-Abbottstown), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Dan Moul (R-Gettysburg), Seth Grove (R-Dover), Mike Jones (R-York Township), Greg Rothman (R-Camp Hill), Sheryl Delozier (R-Lower Allen Township), Paul Schemel (R-Franklin), Mark Keller (R-Perry/Cumberland) and Barb Gleim (R-Carlisle), issued the following statement:

House Republicans Along Pennsylvania’s Southern Tier Issue Statement on Wolf’s Regional Council

Apr. 23, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – Gov. Tom Wolf took the unprecedented step to join a regional council of governors to dictate how and when stay-at-home orders will be lifted, and Pennsylvania businesses will reopen during the COVID-19 crisis. In response, a group of Republican members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, comprised of Reps Kate Klunk (R-York), Jesse Topper (R-Bedford/Franklin/Fulton), Paul Schemel (R-Franklin), Dan Moul (R-Adams), Mike Jones (R-York), John Lawrence (R-Chester/Lancaster) Matt Dowling (R-Somerset/Fayette), Carl Walker Metzgar (R-Somerset/Bedford) and House Majority Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) and House Appropriations Chair Stan Saylor (R-York), whose districts are along the state’s southern tier issued the following statement:

Local House Republicans Vote to Bring Parity to Pennsylvania Businesses

Apr. 14, 2020 /

HARRISBURG –The House today approved Senate Bill 613 to require the governor to follow federal guidelines to determine which businesses are considered life-sustaining, bringing parity to the Pennsylvania business community and keeping in line with practices of surrounding states. In response, area House Republican members, who are House Appropriations Chair Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion) and Reps. Torren Ecker (R-Abbottstown), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Dan Moul (R-Gettysburg), Seth Grove (R-Dover), Mike Jones (R-York Township), Greg Rothman (R-Camp Hill), Sheryl Delozier (R-Cumberland), Mark Keller (R-Perry/Cumberland) and Barb Gleim (R-Carlisle) issued the following statement:

House Republicans from York, Adams and Cumberland Counties Urge Wolf to Allow Construction Workers to Work

Mar. 26, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – After hearing from local business owners, construction workers and others, members of the House of Representatives from York, Adams and Cumberland counties joined together to urge Gov. Tom Wolf to allow construction projects to be completed and to allow workers to return to job sites. Previously, Wolf included construction on the list of “non-essential” businesses, which put a halt to construction projects in Pennsylvania. In response, the members, who are House Appropriations Chair Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion) and Reps. Torren Ecker (R-Abbottstown), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Dan Moul (R-Gettysburg), Seth Grove (R-Dover), Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam) Barb Gleim (R-Carlisle), Greg Rothman (R-Camp Hill) and Mike Jones (R-York Township) issued the following statement:

The Business of Pennsylvania’s Future

Mar. 09, 2020 / Press Release

I ran for office based largely on my more than 25 years of business experience. During that time, I not only led one of York County’s finest companies but served as a consultant to many of the largest and most respected companies in the world. That experience, combined with the extensive travel it involved, led me to the realization that American capitalism is one of the greatest sources of good in the world.

Governor Eyes More Spending in Budget Proposal

Feb. 04, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – During a joint session of the General Assembly, Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his $36 billion budget, a $2.05 billion increase over the enacted current budget. In response, Reps. Seth Grove (R-Dover), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg) and Mike Jones (R-York Township), as well as House Appropriations Chairman Rep. Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion) issued the following statement:

Grants Will Help Local Schools Expand Computer Science Education

Jan. 17, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – Five local schools are receiving grants totaling $175,000 from the Pennsylvania Department of Education today to expand computer science programs for students, according to members of the PA General Assembly’s York County Republican delegation.

Criminal Justice Reform -The Right Thing to Do

Jan. 02, 2020 /

I am a conservative, white Republican lawmaker from a predominantly white, conservative Republican district. I won my election to serve the 93rd District because I reflect the views of those who voted for me. I am pro-business, pro-life, pro-gun, pro-law-enforcement and by no means soft on crime. I support life imprisonment for violent murderers, rapists, and child abusers and the death penalty for the worst of those offenders.

Jones to Support Key Education Bills

Nov. 15, 2019 /

HARRISBURG – When it comes to the debate over school choice, state Rep. Mike Jones (R-York Township) says supporters need only look to the state Capitol area for evidence.

Respect for a Heartbeat

Oct. 30, 2019 / Press Release

We are elected to address issues, not avoid them. In the spirit of not shying away from tough topics, I’d like to tackle another one…abortion. On Oct. 21, I proudly spoke in support of the heartbeat bill (House Bill 1977), which would outlaw abortions after detection of a heartbeat, which I believe to be undeniable proof of two individual lives being present.

Addressing Our Property Tax Dilemma

Sep. 04, 2019 / Press Release

I told voters during last year’s campaign school property tax was my top priority. Eight months into my first term as state representative for the 93rd District, my focus hasn’t changed.

Local Legislator to Host Open House

Aug. 19, 2019 /

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Mike Jones (R-York Township) invites residents of the 93rd Legislative District to an open house he will be hosting on Wednesday, Aug. 28, from 4-7 p.m. at his 305 Leader Heights Road district office.

Business Issues to be Focus of Policy Committee Roundtable

Aug. 16, 2019 /

WHAT: The House Majority Policy Committee, chaired by Rep. Donna Oberlander (R-Clarion/Armstrong/Forest), will travel to Carlisle to host a roundtable discussion with local businesses, education institutions and organizations. Topics to be discussed will include workforce development, state taxation, regulatory reform and transportation logistics. This is part of the House Republican Caucus’ #GoodJobs4PA legislative package.

Shrewsbury To Receive Infrastructure Loan for Wastewater Treatment, Says Jones

Jul. 18, 2019 /

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Mike Jones (R-York Township) announced today that Shrewsbury Borough is receiving a $1 million loan through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST), in order to fulfill its responsibilities with regard to maintenance of local wastewater treatment facilities.

Wolf Chooses Party Over Pennsylvania, Vetoes Election Reform Bill

Jul. 08, 2019 /

HARRISBURG – York County Republican legislators are accusing Gov. Tom Wolf of heeding party wishes over the needs of Pennsylvania’s cash-strapped counties by vetoing much-needed election reform legislation today. Wolf’s decision to reject Senate Bill 48 kills efforts to help local governments with the cost of the 2020 election - after he unilaterally decertified all of the state’s voting machines - and do away with the antiquated straight-party voting option at polling places.

It’s Business That Funds Our Way of Life

Jun. 19, 2019 /

On Monday, I attended a meeting of local municipal leaders. These commissioners, supervisors, mayors and borough council presidents are dedicated civil servants, most of whom receive little or no compensation.