Jones Questions Aging and Older Adults Panel
Mar. 02, 2021 / Embed
Representative Mike Jones questions Secretary Robert Torres from the department of Aging and Older Adults Services concerning supply chain strategy for distribution of the Covid vaccine.
Giving PA Citizens a Voice in Emergency Declarations
Feb. 05, 2021 / Embed
PA State Rep. Mike Jones details Senate Bill 2, legislative action that will give PA voters more of a say in emergency declarations
Jones Hoping to Reduce Senseless Lawsuits
Dec. 07, 2020 / Embed
State Rep. Mike Jones comments in favor of House Bill 1737, a bill that would reduce frivolous lawsuits.
Press Conference on Veto of House Bill 1737
Dec. 07, 2020 / Embed
Representatives Kate Klunk, Torren Ecker, Mike Jones, Stan Saylor, comment about Governor Wolf's veto of HB 1737.
Legislative Election Audit Press Conference
Nov. 10, 2020 / Embed
State Representative Dawn Keefer (R-92) leads a press conference calling for investigatory hearings and a legislative-led audit of the 2020 General Election, demanding that election results not be certified until a comprehensive audit is completed.
Jones Goes to Bat for York County
Sep. 17, 2020 / Embed
Legislation that dealt with specific distribution of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds from the federal government was debated in the House Commerce Committee on Thursday, Sept. 17. State Rep. Mike Jones (R-York County) took a stand for his district and the surrounding area when the discussion turned to targeting of money to specific urban settings.
Jones Comments on Much-Needed Pension Reform
Sep. 16, 2020 / Embed
Despite the House having recently advanced to the Senate four key pension reform bills, state Rep. Mike Jones (R-York County) says it's simply not enough.
Jones to Wolf: Sign HB 2787 and Let's Play
Sep. 16, 2020 / Embed
On Wednesday, Sept. 16, state Rep. Mike Jones (R-York County) joined colleagues on both sides of the aisle in calling for Gov. Tom Wolf to sign legislation that would allow schools to determine whether or not to hold sports and policies regarding fan spectator attendance.
Investing in PA's Energy Industry
Jul. 14, 2020 / Embed
PA State Rep. Jonathan Fritz urges support for legislation to encourage further economic investments in Pennsylvania's energy production industry.
Giving the People a Voice
Jul. 14, 2020 / Embed
Rep. Mike Jones discusses his vote to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to give the people and their representatives in the legislature a voice in extending a state emergency declaration.